Community Scientist Volunteers
California Marine Sanctuary Foundation's engagement strategies are focused on programs collecting critical data and protecting important species while strengthening partnerships with Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (MBNMS), Monterey Stormwater Education Alliance (Monterey SEA), and local cities.

First Flush
Wet-weather storm drain monitoring program
CMSF, in partnership with Monterey SEA and MBNMS, coordinates Monterey County community scientists in collecting storm drain samples during the first major rainstorm of the winter season. For the past 20 years community scientists have played a critical role in collecting water samples and field measurement data simultaneously often in the middle of the night. The First Flush data set is used by local municipalities and resource managers to make decisions about source tracking, implementation of Best Management Practices (BMPs), and infrastructure repair and replacement.
To volunteer for First Flush contact:
Urban Watch
Dry-weather urban runoff monitoring
In partnership with central California cities and MBNMS, CMSF coordinates community scientists to collect water samples and field measurements from storm drain outfalls in watersheds to detect detergents, ammonia, phosphate and chlorine. As with all of CMSF's water quality monitoring programs, community scientists play a critical role in collecting water samples and field measurement data that are used by resource managers to make decisions about source tracking, implementation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) and infrastructure repair and replacement.
To volunteer for Urban Watch contact:

Snapshot Day
Annual creek and river monitoring
CMSF, in partnership with Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (MBNMS) and many other agencies, municipalities and NGOs, coordinates community scientists in four coastal central California counties that collect water samples and field measurements in creeks and rivers that flow into MBNMS. For over 20 years community scientists have played a critical role in collecting water samples and field measurement data simultaneously on the same morning each year. The Snapshot Day data set is used by state agencies in designation of and continued monitoring for sites on the 303(d) list of impaired waterways.
To volunteer for Snapshot Day, contact:
Illicit Discharge & Detection Monitoring
Annual dry-weather storm drain monitoring
CMSF, in partnership with Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (MBNMS) and municipalities conducts annual monitoring for illicit discharges into municipal separate storm and sewer systems (MS4s). Collected samples can be analyzed for bacteria, metals, detergents, nutrients, particulates, pesticides, poly-cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and human-specific bacteria (HF183).
To volunteer for IDDE monitoring, contact: