Marine Resource Protection Program Coordinator
Anastasia Kunz started working with CMSF in 2022 while pursuing her masters degree at UCSB’s Bren School. Anastasia’s work centers around utilizing remotely sensed data to inform the sustainable use of marine resources. At CMSF, she works on two enforcement projects. Marine Monitor (M2) is a shore-based radar system used to identify and track vessel activity in and around marine protected areas. Anastasia monitors select MPAs and conducts historical analyses to better understand human use in these areas. She also manages and analyzes data from the electronic Fisheries Information Network System (eFINS), a mobile app used by California marine enforcement partner agencies.Through ongoing work with the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation, Anastasia also serves as a NOAA affiliate with NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries to continue SanctSound, a nationwide soundscape monitoring program within the national marine sanctuaries. Anastasia conducts fieldwork deploying and recovering hydrophones in the California sanctuaries and manages workflows for processing and archiving acoustic data. Previously, she worked for NASA DEVELOP, a dual capacity building program under NASA’s Applied Sciences Division, to address water quality monitoring and food security issues through remote sensing. Anastasia received her master’s degree from the Bren School of Environmental Science and Management at UCSB with a focus in Conservation Planning and Coastal & Marine Resource Management. She holds a Bachelor of Science in biology and a minor in Environmental Systems and Society from UCLA.